Sunday, June 18, 2023

Worst moment of my Tawang journey (29th January,2017)

 When we were returning back from Tawang that day it was around 12:15 pm and suddenly weather changed. It was snowing very heavy. Our condition was so traumatic that we were not able to find a place to wait. All the places are full of ice and can't see any space. After going 400-500 meters, we saw a hut and it seems like a shop and the shop was also full of snow. We rested for 3/4 hours there. Our condition was very worst in cold. The temperature was minus 5 degrees. We have had some tea and Maggi there after so many hours of empty stomach. Eventually the weather was getting better, and we moved from there. It was the worst travel experience of my life which I can't forget and also wanted to share it with others so that people who travel in near future through the dangerous roads that too with two-wheeler should take utmost precautions. Because it's very risky to ride in snow while the road of the place is also not so comfortable for two wheelers.

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